Slobber Cookies

Anti-Drooling Ceremony

When a baby turns 4 months, parents will prepare cookies and red string. The cookies AKA Slobber Cookies, are made into a necklace and put it around the baby's neck. These cookies are used by family and friends to gently wipe the baby's lips as they giving well wishes to the baby. The cookies will then be shared by all attendees except the baby who is too small to eat.

The ceremony is religion-free. It's actually a milestone for a baby. From old ancestors' wisdom, they believed babies are usually more fragile before turning 4 months, by the time being, the baby would grow stronger to be officially presented to families and friends, and the mother could also be well rested and get back in shape by then. So, why not throw a party to celebrate?
Well, the drooling might not stop right away, yet the wishes and memories will last forever.

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